Friday, 5 July 2013

Holding Out For A Hero

One little birdy
Well today is Murray and Wimbledon day. I went out early to do my shopping ready for the big event. I've stocked up on strawberries, cherries, cream and Tangtastics and am all set for a marathon afternoon. After Wednesday's effort I'm sure it will be one of two things. A quick three setter or another edge of the seat, fight to the death event. However it just would not be Wimbledon without all the aggravation and I'm really looking forward to it.

I found the book! At long last! I found it in a bargain basket of books in Milton Keynes going for half price so I snapped it up. Now I can get on with the series and relax, well until I need book number eight that is.

While up at the shopping center we popped into Burger King for a quick lunch and were soon joined by two cheeky chaps looking for a free meal. These two young birds were obviously not at all scared of humans and happily hopped around picking up crumbs from both floor and table. I managed to get a couple of shots before they were spotted by a member of staff and shooed out.

And his mate

My chest is tighter today but that is not surprising as the temperature is beginning to rise. As anyone with heart or lung problems will know, heat really affects me and causes me to retain water and swell up. So just when I was getting to grips with all that extra fluid it's back again. At least for the next few days I don't have to do anything except sit and, despite the discomfort, I will be spending time outside because, just like all Brits, I make the most of the sun during the short time it's with us.

Well short and sweet today I'm afraid. I've got to get lunch, we are eating outside today, and then I will relax on the decking for a little while before hiding in the cool of the living room and getting all hot and bothered watching Murray.

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