Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Blue Bandit

Yesterday's effort to get some fresh air and stock up on some much needed fruit turned out to be a little bit different.

Andrew had finally made up his mind which bike to go for and wanted my approval, so I was driven to the garage and then wheeled into the showroom. The bike is a Suzuki Bandit 650S, don't ask me what all that means, I know less about bikes than I do cars. All I know is it is bright blue and a lot bigger than his current bike. I don't have a picture as yet but when I do I'll post it so you can all see what I mean.

It's a bit wet out there this morning
During the sales blurb Andrew asked about finance but I quickly vetoed that when I heard how much he'd actually be paying. I've recently received a nice little pot of gold from my bank in PPI repayments which I was keeping for a holiday once my transplant was done and dusted. However, I won't be able to go abroad until at least a year post transplant and I have no way of knowing when that will be, it might be another twelve months, it might be never, so I decided to pay for the bike in cash. Fair play to Andrew, he was very reluctant to take the money from me but when I explained that I'd rather he used the money than pay over the odds for a loan he saw sense. He'll be able to pay back a massive chunk when he sells the bike he has now anyway and by this time next year he will be in full time employment, he's already had an offer from the London Ambulance Service, so he'll be able to pay me back much quicker then.

Now of course I'm wondering whether I've done the right thing. The bike is so big, well to me it is, but Andrew makes a convincing argument. A bigger bike means he's easier to see so is less likely to be cut up. It has a top box and panniers, so he can take his uniform and equipment with him without the risk of it getting blown away or wet. The riding position is much more comfortable so he won't end up with the backache he's been experiencing on longer journeys. On the downside he won't be able to weave through traffic jams so easily but to me that is something in it's favour. The bike is also going to be restricted for a year so he will have more power than he has now but not enough to get into real trouble. The biggest thing in it's favour is the insurance. For some reason I don't understand a bigger bike means less insurance.

Apart from finding myself laying out for a bike I'm never going to ride, the trip out really improved my spirits and my head did feel a lot clearer by the time I got home. I came back with armfuls of fruit and veg so I'm going to get more than enough vitamin C to help fight off whatever it is I've got. This morning though I find myself bunged up and thick headed again so the benefit was only temporary, however I didn't need to cover myself in Oil of Olbas in order to breathe last night so that's a relief, and not just for me. Peter hates the stuff.

I see no sea
I've woken up to a breezy, wet day and according to the forecasters we are in for a real storm Sunday/Monday. So obviously the perfect time for my village to hold a seaside themed carnival. The flyer came through the letter box last night as the rain hammered against the windows and I had to do a double take when I saw what it was. The delights of this event include the 'Prettiest Bitch' competition, which I'm presuming is to do with dogs but you can never be too sure. Then we have the 'Children's Tug of War', Sea Cadets display, not sure why we have Sea Cadets in land locked Bedfordshire but we do. Then a bewildering couple of attractions call 'Quack Pack' and 'Nessfit'. Other attractions include Morris Dancers and the village choir. If I'm well I might just go along with my camera, if only to photograph the 'Doggy Fancy Dress'. I'm suspecting there is not a lot going on for cat lovers.

Today I'm inclined to stay indoors and wallow but no, I'm going to be taken out to 'get some more fresh air'. Apparently Peter is taking the GP's advice to heart. However as there was a definite improvement following yesterday's excursion maybe it would be wise to give it another go. My sick note runs out on Wednesday so I do need to get myself back into the habit of 'doing' things rather than sit on the settee and issue orders. And you never know how you are going to feel unless you try. At least my chest has remained free from infection so I must be doing something right.

The drawer raider caught in the act

This morning Smirnoff expressed how bored he was by rummaging through the drawer on my bedside table. I keep my morning tablets in that drawer so I can take them with my first cup of tea of the day. It's a routine that helps me remember what to take and when. So after putting the boxes back in the drawer I continued reading the papers and became aware of a rustling sound. There was Smirnoff standing on the table with his paw buried deep inside the drawer trying to hook things out. I hadn't closed it fully and he'd prized the gap open. He's a pain when it comes to drawers. When I'm putting clothing away he tries to jump into them, I did once find him curled up asleep in my jumper drawer. Bless him!

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